Since 1981, Neosho Gardens has been supplying customers with an array of vibrant plants and flowers. We are a wholesale nursery grower supplying independent garden centers, landscape contractors and distribution centers throughout the Midwest. We also have a retail shop located on Main Street in Council Grove.
In order to produce very high quality plants and get them to the customer when they need them, we invest in sophisticated greenhouse technologies, employ experienced personnel, and continue to utilize practical growing techniques.
Heating System
Efficient central boiler system and floor heating systems for minimal heat loss.
Flood floor design and automatic watering boom systems for unparalelled crop consistency.
Climate Control Systems
Computerized control of the greenhouse climate is an essential tool for growing plants at the optimum settings required.
Unorthodox Growing Techniques
Growing colder, slower, and with less water than recommended often results in a sturdier, healthier, and simply a better plant. Growing this way eliminates the need for chemical plant growth regulators which can stunt growth and severely diminish a plant’s potential in the garden.
Biological Pest Management
Use of biological insect predators and organisms that colonize root environments greatly reduce the need for insecticide and fungicide use to control insects and diseases.
Greenhouse Facility
500,000 sq. ft. modern gutter connect greenhouses with natural ventilation. Designs include gutter connect poly, Dutch/Canadian glass venlo, and cravo retractable roof.
Neosho Gardens provides the ideal product line for the spring, fall, and winter seasons. Our goal is to offer the traditional favorites as well as the hottest new plants that everyone wants.

Hanging Baskets
Standard 10″ and premium 12″ baskets filled with high performance annuals that have a trailing or mounding growth habit.
Over 200 varieties all hardy to at least USDA zone 5 (-10 F). We start perennials in the summer or fall and overwinter in very cold conditions so they are ready for the home gardener to plant early in the spring without fear of freezing and they will bloom the very first year.
The biggest selection you likely will ever find! Over 110 tomato varieties including heirlooms and big yielding hybrids. Over 50 hot, mild, and sweet bell peppers. Plus cucumbers, squash, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, watermelon, okra, artichoke, pumpkin, strawberry, tomatillo, zucchini, cantelope, spinach, and many more.
Combination Planters
Our designer pots filled with a unique mix of color, foliage, and texture is perfect for the patio gardener who craves instant appeal.
Ornamental Grasses
The essential component for a combination centerpiece or to add texture to any garden. We offer fountain grasses, carex sedges, fescue, dracaena spikes, cordylines, and spiral juncus to name a few.
Flowering Annuals
Everything you would expect. A diverse range of annuals to fill benches with high impact color. Excellent cultivars from floriculture industry leaders like Ball, Selecta, and Dummen give customers proven performers they can depend on.
Useful culinary and medicinal herbs such as basil, parsley, chives, sage, rosemary, lavender, thyme, french tarragon, and oregano.
Hardy Mums
The main crop for autumn sales. We grow varieties that have spherical growth habit and abundant flowers with rich colors of red, yellow, bronze, purple, and white.
The standard flowering potted plant for the Christmas season. We offer numerous sizes of plants with huge bracts that overflow with color. Traditional red, white, pink, and many more colors are available.